June 23, 2006

GO HERE: http://picasaweb.google.com/jelena/
posted by Jelena | 4:28 PM |
June 22, 2006
it's the little things
two hilarious things:A) at the markham public libraries website, there are currently 214 holds for the RENT dvd.
B) facebook offered me the chance to meet hot ladies "in my area". Out of sheer curiosity i checked...and they were all simply in CANADA. :P
posted by Jelena | 8:08 PM |
I had this really wicked dream where Martha had painted her hair blue, and i was putting conditioner in my ears.What do you think it means??
posted by Jelena | 9:51 AM |
June 21, 2006
Sooo I'm back. I'm back because there will be no more first lunches. I'm back because there will be no more Ms. Corry's class to see most of you in. I'm back because I got Facebook damnit, and lure of blogger was too strong.School finished today. I never feel nostalgic when I'm supposed to. Everybody was all teary, and I just stood there feeling guilty about not being teary. Ugh, it'll hit me eventually and it'll be awful. But now, EEEEE summer.
I have entire list of things I'm supposed to get done. Actually, they're not really things to get accomplished, just habits to form. So, I have a whole calendar of when I work, morning or evening shift, and when I'm supposed to go to U of T for writing workshops or welcome sessions. On top of that there's gym classes I should try and go to, and dinners that I promised my mom I'd make. It may seem like I'm hyperscheduling myself, but I need this, and I need it bad. I was sitting on my ass in front of the TV for most of last summer, and I can't stand to have that happen again. Also I need to do justice to the fact that I spend at a HUGE chunk of my time this year bitching about having to be in school and dreaming about all the exciting things I'd do during the summer.
Right now I have to go because I'm finally in the queue for the OSAP people after three bajillion minutes of waiting. Here a picture to commemorate my return: (sorry mok!)

posted by Jelena | 2:32 PM |