March 31, 2006
Oh weather. Oh warm sun kissed skin.Actually, I went downtown today without sunscreen and now my face is reallllly itchy and my earns have turned a hilarious shade of red.
So, have you seen the bit on the news about sunscreen? Some important people are suing the sunscreen companies for misleading consumers. On the bottles, they state that they provide protection from the sun (i.e. sunBLOCK). This seems to be a problem because they only provide blockage from UVB rays, not UVA.
I think it's entirely counterproductive for this to be a huge public debate. Is has taken a loooong while for people to realize the benefits of sunscreen - this will only create uncertainty and unrest! Seriously, now those folks who were on the fench between sunscreening and not, will more likely choose NOT. This is awful! Why is it such a big deal?! Change the damn labeling quietly, don't draw attention to something that can't be fixed.
My point is, tobacco companies have done much worse in terms of false advertising - I don't think sunscreen can be put in the same category.
Hmph. There.
posted by Jelena | 10:48 PM |
March 29, 2006

so one time lisa and cooper made cheese bread. they managed to make cheese look like sunny side up eggs (not pictured).

posted by Jelena | 10:38 PM |
I'm sitting here trying to put together my civs presentation, and it's going something like this:"The toothfairy is a mythical representation of I'm getting some hot ass this weekend!"
I keep getting sidetracked.
I can't wait for this tidal wave of work to end. I can't wait for summer when I can read whatever I want - be it literature or beach trash. I can't wait to take midnight walks, to explore on my soon to be oiled rollerblades, to have time to make whatever Rachel Ray tells me to make...
Goddamnit you guys, it's gonna be great.
posted by Jelena | 10:21 PM |
March 27, 2006
I think what I need most is to get out of here. This place that has bred me to be the insolent, lazy-ass f*cker that I am.I have not written. I don't have the words. I feel that if I write something stupid, it will belittle the importance of what's happening to me.
Which is actually what I need. Perspective, humour and support. Oh, and a slap in the face.
So, I came home from Greece. Amazing amazing amazing. Pictures to come. Minor disturbances, but nothing we can't all learn from.
I'm waaaaaay behind on everything that I have to do. School, Classics, life itself.
I got into an accident with not one but TWO other cars. I almost killed Devin. Sorry.
For a while I wished I had died.
I can't focus enough to write it all out because hanging over my head are at least 2000 words that have yet to be written in two different languages.
This sucks. And I only have myself to blame. More to come.
Pictures of my poor poor car are being uploaded as we speak.
posted by Jelena | 9:27 PM |
March 05, 2006
Just got home from Angus Glen library and I can't stop smiling. Everything was so shiny and new! A lot of those books have never been opened! There were study rooms! And a Serbian dictionary!!I think I have a hormonal imbalance. One second everything is awful and I just want to die, and the next, everything is coming up roses - even though nothing has actually changed.
ANYWAY, I came back with ten books. Mostly about Freud, urban legends and existentialism. Also, a book called Kokology. 'A series of psychological games designed to reveal your hidden attitudes about sex, family, love, work and more.' Some crazy Japanese guy wrote it. And invented it for that matter.
There were so many books I wanted to read, so many things I would love to learn about. But, I had to settle on only what was relevant to school. That SUCKS.
This summer, I plan to live at Angus Glen.
posted by Jelena | 6:01 PM |

These kids are infectiously happy. Yesterday I rudely invaded their time, (sorry!) but it was necessary. They sort of restore your faith in love.

posted by Jelena | 12:16 AM |
March 04, 2006
I have slept more today than any other day. Of my life, I think. It's awful. I even made a list of things to do. I guess all I can do now is rename it to Things I Should Have Done.It's been a long long week. In a way, it's all been recovery from writing that essay all night. It threw me off man. That, and, the huge fight I had with my mom.
There was something about my data mark. Then something about my being lazy and awful. Then yelling about it being just math, and that I'm taking 8 courses so it didn't really matter. Then more yelling about me not being worth the money they'd be spending on university for me, provided I actually got in.
Then, cut to huge sobs, my mom apologizing like crazy, and me feeling like TURD.
I love my mom, and I wish I made her happier. I want her to know how much I love her, and how much I appreciate everything that they've done for my brother and me. They've given us everything, and in turn we're ungrateful and spiteful. It doesn't make sense. She's never apologized like that before. I feel bad because it wasn't her fault I was crying. It was out of frustration with myself, because I know everything she said about me being a lazy fucker was right. But now she feels bad and I feel awful and my dad's sort of helpless and angry. We're such a mess. When I leave, I'll be relieved that I'll be a purely financial burden.
posted by Jelena | 11:50 PM |
March 02, 2006
3 A.M.
I'm done. Dear goddess, why do I do these things to myself?!I don't want to go to sleep for fear of what the morning will bring. Every bag under my eye will have its own story.
You know what the grrrreat part is? There are at least four more of these essay monsters to slay within the next month.
posted by Jelena | 3:20 AM |
So, I'm done my profile about somebody I barely know.Within the confines of 500 words I couldn't really get across what it is about him that inspires me. I came across sounding like a fangirl. Ms.T is going to hate me because it sounds exactly like the PR article we were not supposed to write. And I didn't even mention anything about his political ambitions, his inherent idealism, his accent, or his boyish good looks! Ha.
P.S. My bowels? Still a'churnin'.
posted by Jelena | 1:41 AM |
March 01, 2006

So I was talking to my basketball this morning, and it said, "Where the eff is SPRING?!" But it came of sort of like "whrrrfffsprrrg?!" because it was muffled by snow.

posted by Jelena | 11:32 PM |
My body is suffering because of my mind, I'm sure.It's kind of like that time I was out past curfew with a boy who had yet to be approved. I thought I was getting an ulcer. He never did get approval.
Anyway, I drank coffee before I sat down to revise my English essay and do justice to someone in a profile. And caffeine does something funny to my bowels. I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm strangely optimistic about sitting here and doing my homework at the last possible second again. I realize now that "crunch time" is mostly in my head. It's not really how much I have to do that stresses me out, it's how afraid I am of messing up I guess. This is dangerous, I'm not exactly in that place where I can afford indifference. It matters and it matters lots.
Whatever, I have a nap scheduled for tomorrow.
posted by Jelena | 11:17 PM |