January 29, 2006
http://1freecellphonesguy.blogspot.com/This is absolutely ridiculous. Also, kind of hilarious. Who knew you could talk about free cellphones under so many different topics!
Everybody go flag it now. Now now NOW.
posted by Jelena | 10:05 PM |

posted by Jelena | 10:01 PM |

posted by Jelena | 10:00 PM |

It was like Hidalgo. Except the horse was an elephant and John and Chris were Viggo. Or the other way around?!?

posted by Jelena | 10:00 PM |
Went downtown with two very fine gentlemen.I love wandering, I love sawarma chicken from shady shady places, I love free movies, I love posters for bovine love. I can't wait for next year. *hopes*
I don't know how I'll deal with being a number. There's a little more room in the crowd that is Markham, but the city could care less about another brat from the suburbs.
It sounds like I'm not giving myself enough credit. But if I were to feel much better about it, I'd be naive or too self-congratulatory. Being well adjusted takes so much effort.
posted by Jelena | 9:31 PM |
January 28, 2006

This picture was on the back of the Economist a few days ago. FOR SHAME.

posted by Jelena | 1:39 AM |

I need a removable net on my window so I can see the sunset properly and feed the birds. Oh, and, you know, go places and come back all stealthy-like.

posted by Jelena | 1:38 AM |

This is my beautiful beautiful baby. It keeps me sane through anything. It is blinding because it is a glorious shade of a white to renew my faith in the colour (shade) after all the halfass snow and ice. It smells like spring and it makes me want to...just sit back in quiet contemplation actually. Oi, I'm so lame.

posted by Jelena | 1:35 AM |
January 23, 2006
Zip a dee doo dah, zip a dee day
A fantastic book.A romantic ideal.
A friendly greeting.
A done exam.
A beautiful tune.
A dish full of muffins.
An extraordinary mindweb.
A clarification.
It's a good day. This somehow justifies my not studying for data, heh.
On a hilarious note: standing at someone's locker today, I saw a picture of my boyfriend kissing some girl. This threw me a little bit (I'm a little bit of the jealous type, don't tell him.) So, what the hell is he doing kissing some other girl...
AHAHAH, it turns out it was me. I'm such a dope.
posted by Jelena | 9:07 PM |
January 22, 2006
I should be studying. I should be worried. I should be striving...or something.Instead I am fantasizing. I am in my head. I am thinking about naked, sweaty things. Road trips. Screen printing. Buenos aires. Graphic Design. Hitchhikers. Letter openers. Home countries. Guitars. My name in print. My name in memory. China Rises. Harvest Moons. Gargamel. Stuffed manicotti shells. My ridiculous feminine instinct to cook for someone. Eating things off that someone. Shiny snow. Springtime weather. Melting ice caps. Stuart Mclean's crazy hair decades ago. Cheese Monkeys.
I am a failure. I am a smile.
posted by Jelena | 7:38 PM |
January 21, 2006
I want this week to be over. I want it to be enough that I've worked hard up to this point. I want to stop jumping through hoops.I want to believe that the rest of my life won't be this banal.
Yeah, right.
posted by Jelena | 9:59 PM |
January 19, 2006
Shit. Shit shit.
I had a dream about Ian Patterson. He gave me French Vanilla coffee and left. Dude.I didn't freak out about exams until exactly 9 o'clock this morning. Mr. Thompson started talking about Venn diagrams and at about the same time the full weight of EIGHT EXAMS hit me. That, and, I didn't know what he was talking about. Who is a math major? Who is a math and english major? Who took no english or math courses? Ahhh, so many circles!!
I am scared. Scared that my "I don't care, fuck the system" attitude is only going to get me so far. Actually, coupled with the fact that I'm a latent genius (haha) it will more likely send me to dreaded mediocrity. I haven't studied as much as I should have, I haven't done things on time, I've mouthed off to teachers who've given me deliciously inflated marks...and right now I just need someone else to blame.
After the dreaded Next Week, I need to see Guelph, decide if I want to see Carleton (read: go to Carleton), and check to see if the romance of Toronto has diminished for me. As it stands, I know nothing about Guelph except that it's pretty, Carleton has come into the running because I'm an easy sell, and I'm going a little iffy on Toronto. What would I do in the city? I'm not cool enough!
I need to come up with a story for Writer's Craft. Shitlickers!
posted by Jelena | 8:04 PM |
January 17, 2006
Pillow Fight!
Don't make any plans with me for the Feb.17th weekend. I'm going to a beautiful town where a beautiful boy will be waiting for me.Eeeeeee!
What's the opposite of hind-sight..but not as far ahead as fore-sight? Anyway, in now-sight, I realize how absolutely amazing my parents are. They are trusting enough to send me to my boyfriend's for a sleepover. They are giving enough to send me to Greece for more money than I think I'm worth - mere months before dropping fifteen grand on my education (which may or may not come to good use.) They feed me gourmet-style. They are ridiculously good-looking.
The list goes on.
Hi Mom!
posted by Jelena | 11:06 PM |
January 16, 2006
Bottoms up!
At work, my duties include answering the phone, filing files, pulling files, stamping files and taking payments. Oh, and also wiping people down after the physios are done with them. They're attached usually to the IFC, and have strategically placed electrodes on their bodies, as well as tape and conductivity gel. My job is to take off the tape and electrodes, and clean the person up with a towel or paper towels.Usually, it's no problem. Mostly people hurt their shoulders, backs, necks, etc. Sometimes (OK, only once) a cute frat boy came in (so I judge them shamelessly, so what?). He had hurt his hand, and my job got that much funner...cause I like totally got to hold his hand. And clean it. And stroke it.
Back to my point. Usually I make conversation and jokes with the people I'm...wiping. Today though, there was a man in a treatment room who would not look at me. It was the weirdest thing.
Until I realized he had electrodes on his bum.
Sir, I am sorry. I am sorry if my hands were shaking because I was trying not to laugh. I am sorry if I tickled you in any way. I am sorry that I am not really that qualified to touch bums. I am sorry if you were uncomfortable in any way.
But Sir, let me just say this: you have a glorious behind, and I can only hope - nay, wish! - that mine will be comparable when I am of that certain age.
Seriously, when they say soft as a baby's bottom, they were talking about this guy!
posted by Jelena | 9:46 PM |
January 14, 2006
So I just went to the bathroom. Everything was going great, until i stood up and saw a dead bug in the water.I really really hope it was there before i sat down.
posted by Jelena | 4:24 PM |
Friday the 13th
Yesterday was the best superstitiously ironic day ever. Except for school, which has been licking butt lately. I'm vaguely worried about losing momentum and drive and all that. But for right now, I'm choosing to passively sit back and wait for it to get better. I'm all sorts of bad attitude.Anyway, my office manager called me from work on Monday, and I didn't end up getting back to her until yesterday, being the avoidant mother I am. I have a needlessly guilty conscience though – I got a raise! Though it is only 25 cents, it still launches me that much further above minimum wage. It also gives me a bit of a superiority complex. Technically, that’s YOUR problem though. Hah.
There has also been rash of good and amazing university news. My backup has become Carleton, because they were crazy enough to get back to me before they saw my exam-affected marks. If it doesn't pan out with Toronto, I don't think I'd mind going all the way to Ottawa. The tunnels look kind of cool too. You could go to your classes in pajamas, in December!
posted by Jelena | 2:28 PM |

This is what we do in Data Management. For SHAME.

posted by Jelena | 2:03 PM |
There is no header here, and as such, it has no aspiration of being Robert Smith.I changed over because that's what I do. Kind of like that time I painted my room red. Maybe I'll take corset lady more seriously than Batwoman.
posted by Jelena | 10:34 AM |

I look like somebody with a secret lair.

posted by Jelena | 10:26 AM |

Remember that time we found a gym shirt in the desk? Ew.

posted by Jelena | 10:23 AM |


posted by Jelena | 10:19 AM |
January 08, 2006
man oh man!
bam! suckaposted by Jelena | 4:01 PM |